(+91) - 9993530406
Contemporary - Art

Life and death in a Hospital


Quanity: 3Pc

Measurement: 19*17


Single: Rs.1300

Combined: Rs.11700


Thought-provoking series of mixed media artworks that delve into the intricate irony of life and death coexisting within the walls of a hospital. Through a compelling blend of mediums, this series seeks to capture the duality of the human experience, where the cycles of birth, life, and mortality intersect in a place of healing and finality. Through this trilogy, the artist sheds light on the profound irony of hospitals, where life and death are woven together in a way that both challenges and enriches our understanding of existence. It prompts us to consider the cyclical nature of life and how our experiences within these walls serve as a poignant reminder of our shared human journey. The series invites viewers to reflect on the paradoxes of life and death, and how they converge within a single space. The mix of media enhances the layers of meaning, highlighting the complex emotions that arise in such moments of transition.

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